Together We Make an Impact

Annual Public Board Meeting Feb 20th, 2025 at 7:30AM
To join the virtual board meeting please contact us at for the link

What is the UCS Foundation’s purpose?
The UCS Foundation, through partnerships with the community and the UCS district, encourages and supports educators and students to enhance educational experiences beyond what is possible with public funding.

Where is the UCS Foundation headed and what will it look like?
The UCS Foundation will be the model for education foundations in the State of Michigan recognized for the funds raised, assets built, partnerships formed, programs delivered, grants awarded, and the impact realized.

Who is the UCS Foundation at its core?

Student Success
From the beginning, the Foundation has been driven to advance student success. We continue to hold this as a primary goal and endeavor to contribute to their success through our programs and grants.
We will give time and attention to developing financial, social, physical, developmental, psychological and emotional wellness to enable our foundation, our board, our donors, our district, our students and teachers, and our relationships to thrive.
We will actively involve the community – educators, businesses, residents, parents and alumni – to fully engage with the UCS district.
We are driven by our passion for our students, their educators, and this community. We will encourage others to invest their time, talents and resources in the education of UCS students.
We value the resources that are contributed to the Foundation and will responsibly use them to increase what the District can do for its students through innovation and strategy.
Each UCS student deserves to have the best learning environment and tools to foster dynamic, creative learning opportunities that vary based on individual student needs.
Our Partners
Legacy of Excellence Awards
Utica Community Schools held the inaugural Legacy of Excellence awards celebration, in which they recognized 13 community members for their excellence and dedication to Utica Community Schools. Of those, four are/were part of the UCS Foundation board.
Thank you to Joe Elliott,
PJ Michalski and Ben Murphy
for donating their time and talent to create an
informational video for the Utica Community Schools
Foundation for Educational Excellence!
UCS Foundation Events

Annual Golf Outing
The proceeds and contributions generated through this event directly influence the superintendent scholarship and teacher grant programs.

Career Focus
The UCS Foundation would like to invite you to make a difference in the lives of more than 2,000 Utica Community Schools 6th graders each May.

Evening of Excellence
The UCS Foundation partners with Utica Community Schools to celebrate an Evening of Excellence to help high school seniors achieve their goals.

Your Donations Make a Difference
There are many ways to contribute to the education of the students in the Utica Community School District. Please consider giving
generously to the UCS Foundation for Educational
Excellence to insure the continued legacy of excellence in our schools.