Executive Board
Juli Sala President
Licensed Engineer, Anderson, Eckstein & Westrick, Inc. (AEW)

Sherman AbdoVice President
Partner, LaGrasso, Abdo & Silveri Law Offices

Tom Lietz Executive Board Trustee
Associate Director for Training and Development with the MASSP
Patty LopezTreasurer
President, Rose-A-Lee Technologie

Stacy Ziarko Secretary
President and CEO at Sterling Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce

Brent Bohlinger
Senior Project Manager, Barton Malow Company

Ronald Chriss
DTE Regional Manager, Macomb Corporate & Government Affairs
Raymond Lope
Co-Owner/Director, Wm Sullivan & Son Funeral Directors, Inc.
Susan Rosso
UCS Educator, Graebner Elementary - Music
Nate Tallman
Vice President of Metro Wire and Cable, Corp.

Dan Wesner
Owner, Wesner Tuxedo
Robert Van Camp
Retired UCS educator

Paul Alandt
Owner, Crest Automotive Group

Dr. David Klida

Michael Nowicki
Senior Vice President, Integrated Design Solutions (IDS)
Ex Officio

Mr. Robert S. Monroe

Dr. Steven Meyer
Liaison for the Board of Education

Chelsie Nobar
Marketing Specialist
Your Donations Make a Difference
There are many ways to contribute to the education of the students in the Utica Community School District. Please consider giving
generously to the UCS Foundation for Educational
Excellence to insure the continued legacy of excellence in our schools.