Career Focus
The Career Focus is sponsored by the UCS Foundation in partnership with Sterling Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce and in cooperation with Utica Community Schools. Its purpose is to introduce students entering young adulthood to a variety of career options. Through your involvement, they will have a better idea of the skills they will need to succeed in life after high school

Evening of Excellence
An evening to celebrate and benefit for scholarship. This event has evolved over the last ten years with the focus remaining on helping graduating high school seniors achieve their post-secondary goals.

Golf Outing
A fundraising event typically held on a Monday in September. The funds and donations generated from this event will directly impact the superintendent scholarship and teacher grants programs.
Your Donations Make a Difference
There are many ways to contribute to the education of the students in the Utica Community School District. Please consider giving
generously to the UCS Foundation for Educational
Excellence to insure the continued legacy of excellence in our schools.