Your Donations Make a Difference
There are many ways to contribute to the education of the students in the Utica Community School
District. Please consider giving generously to the UCS Foundation for Educational Excellence to ensure
the continued legacy of excellence in our schools.
Honorariums and Memorials
A wonderful way to honor someone and leave a meaningful legacy in their name. Each year we honor many individuals who have contributed to education and Utica Community Schools. Names are listed in our annual publications.
Thank a Teacher
Here is a special way to honor a teacher for making a difference in a student's life. By designating your donation to the Educational Grant Program the Foundation is able to continue to support the students of Utica Community Schools through innovative grants. You can honor these dedicated men and women for their commitment to excellence with a donation to the Foundation.
End of Year Giving
Make your tax-deductible donation before the year is through. This annual drive allows the UCS Foundation to continue to fund many school supported projects each year.
Together We Make a Difference!