Juli Sala
Board position: Vice President
Company: Anderson, Eckstein and Westrick, Inc.
Title: Licensed Engineer
Board Member since: 2018
As a Civil Engineer, Juli is trained to provide solutions to today’s infrastructure problems such as deteriorating roads, water and sewers, storm water management, parking lots amongst many others. Specifically Juli is involved with infrastructure improvements for local school districts, one of which is Utica Community Schools where numerous school parking lots have been improved and rehabilitated in order to provide the community a better environment in which to educate the young minds of tomorrow. Juli is passionate about growing the UCS Foundation and its support for the district’s teachers and students.
Juli is a resident in Shelby Township and within the Utica Schools district.

The foundation upon which successful communities and civilizations are built upon is simply Education.”
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There are many ways to contribute to the education of the students in the Utica Community School District. Please consider giving
generously to the UCS Foundation for Educational
Excellence to insure the continued legacy of excellence in our schools.