Together We Make an Impact
Your generous support provides the following experiences for students and educators in Utica Community Schools. We invite you to be a sponsor of these impactful annual events.
Evening of Excellence: Scholarship Awards
Since its inception, the Evening of Excellence has raised monies to support scholarships for deserving UCS seniors. Seniors apply for the Superintendent’s Scholarship each fall. The students who are selected embody the meaning of UCS Success by excelling in academics, displaying leadership qualities, serving the community, and overcoming personal challenges. Scholarships are given during a memorable celebration dinner. We are proud to support higher educational opportunities for these outstanding students. Through funds raised by the Foundation, over $300,000 in academic scholarships have been awarded since 2010.
Career Focus
Since 1993, the annual Career Focus luncheon brings together area workplace and community leaders with over 2,000 sixth-grade UCS students for a ‘business lunch’ experience. The adults act as mentors, sharing educational experiences and career acumen to the 8-10 students at their luncheon table. The distinctive community event encourages students to explore career options and interests. All sixth-grade students, with support from their teachers and media center specialists, create digital resumes and share their future career aspirations after high school. Career Focus has been fortunate to host many well-known state and local officials, sports figures, celebrated business leaders and prominent UCS alumni as keynote speakers.
Teacher Grants
The Educational Grant Program has awarded over $30,000 in grants to over 35 UCS educators. Grants are awarded to elementary and secondary teachers looking to innovate and exceed UCS curricular goals. Recent selected grant examples include Coding Comes to Life, Ozobots Across the Curriculum, and Broadcasting News and Events.The Foundation is pleased to enrich and expand educational opportunities for UCS students through educational grants that are relevant, engaging, and impactful.
Annual Sponsorship Opportunities
Your generous support provides the following for students and educators in Utica Community Schools.
Career Focus
A distinctive business-style luncheon experience for over 2,000 sixth-grade students. Community and business leaders act as mentors sharing educational and career experiences over lunch with 8 to 10 students.
Scholarship Awards
Since its inception, the Evening of Excellence has raised monies to support scholarships for UCS seniors. Through funds raised by the Foundation, over $300,000 in academic scholarships have been awarded.
Teacher Grants
Enriching and expanding educational opportunities for UCS students through educational grants that are relevant, engaging and impactful. Over $30,000 in grants have been awarded to UCS educators.
Corporate Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor
Doctorate Sponsor
Master Sponsor
Bachelor Sponsor
Associate Sponsor
All sponsorships receive: Social Media mentions, use of Foundation logo to promote affiliation, listed on Foundation website and Annual Report
Your benefits – Your choice!
Depending on the level, eachsponsorshiphas access to a variety of benefits.
Sponsor benefits may include:
- Named Scholarship
- Named Teacher Grant
- VIP Career Focus luncheon event tickets
- VIP Evening of Excellence dinner event tickets
See the enclosed Annual Sponsorship Opportunity Form for specific level benefits and information on how to make your contribution TODAY.
Contact us at 586-797-6953 or